Meet Candy: The Amazing Rescue Dog Who Helped Her Owner Through Cancer

Breed Austrailian Shepard Mix
Location Greensburg, Indiana
Human Terri & Eddie Davis
Story Our girl, Candy, came to us as my husband was healing from cancer surgeries. She is a high energy dog and just what we needed since walking and exercise was top on our list. We ride our bicycles with her, weather permitting, and walk a lot; my husband never misses a day to walk with her, no matter how cold or rainy. They are best buds.
Candy's mother looked like an Australian Shepard and was rescued by friends. They put her pups on Facebook in hopes of finding homes. I saw her face and fell in love. I named her after a blues song, part of the song goes like this..."Candy, why I call my sugar Candy. I'm sweet on Candy and Candy is sweet on me."
Happy ending for mom and pups, all found homes, and they even found a home for mom!
Location Greensburg, Indiana
Human Terri & Eddie Davis
Story Our girl, Candy, came to us as my husband was healing from cancer surgeries. She is a high energy dog and just what we needed since walking and exercise was top on our list. We ride our bicycles with her, weather permitting, and walk a lot; my husband never misses a day to walk with her, no matter how cold or rainy. They are best buds.
Candy's mother looked like an Australian Shepard and was rescued by friends. They put her pups on Facebook in hopes of finding homes. I saw her face and fell in love. I named her after a blues song, part of the song goes like this..."Candy, why I call my sugar Candy. I'm sweet on Candy and Candy is sweet on me."
Happy ending for mom and pups, all found homes, and they even found a home for mom!