Oral Treatments & Supplements
How do they work? The best method to kill every tiny little flea is to poison their food source. The oral medication will spread into your pet’s blood and kill the fleas when they try to feed. Don’t worry though! There are three types of medications that are perfectly safe for your pet while being deadly to pests.
Spinosad is an effective treatment that lasts up to a month to prevent flea infestations as well as treat current ones. The medication kills adult fleas and lasts for the remainder of the month so that flea eggs and larvae can also meet their fate once they are of age. This is the perfect medication to relieve yourself of the present infestation and keep your pet safe from future biting bugs. You can find spinosad in brands such as Comfortis and Trifexis.
Lufeneron attacks young and immature fleas such as flea eggs, pupae, and larvae. It prevents chitin, the insect’s hard outer shell, from developing. Without their hard exterior, the immature fleas are unable to grow and eventually die. Lufeneron works well with spinosad or nitenpyram to destroy the flea lifecycle at all stages to keep your pet completely flea-free.
You can select the medication that best suit the needs of you and your pet, or use them together for amazing results. Because of their abilities to work together with other products, it is no surprise that oral treatments are 11% more effective than topical treatments!