Connor & Millie's Dog Rescue CMDR

For every purchase through this link, EntirelyPets will donate a portion to Connor & Millie's Dog Rescue.

Connor & Millie's Dog Rescue CMDR
Welcome to Connor and Millie’s Dog Rescue aka CMDR (pronounced Commander). This rescue is named after two very special dogs. This rescue is their legacy. In their honor, we seek out the neglected and elderly dogs, and place them in volunteer foster homes until they are ready for adoption to forever families. Connor and Millie’s Dog Rescue is a 501 (C) charitable organization. All donations go directly to the care of the dogs.
CMDR Social Site is the leader in online pet supplies and non-prescription pet medications. With a veterinarian operating on-site, we are able to provide you with a wide selection of pet products at unbeatable prices and excellent customer service. We aim to keep tails wagging!

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