Delectables Bisque Lickable Treat for Senior Cats will make you throw out those outdated dry treats! If your aging cat is having trouble getting excited about the dry treats they grew up with, Hartz is putting forward the first wet cat treats that every feline is purring for. Delectables are creamy lickable blends that your cat will love and crave so much, you'll have to restock soon. This unique puree contains meat as well as delicious juices for your cat to enjoy one pouch at a time.
This Box Contains:
- Single serve wet cat treats
- Contains Vitamins E and B
- Puree contains real tender tuna and chicken
- A creamy lickable blend your cat will crave
This Box Contains:
- 12 x Delectables Bisque Lickable Treat for Senior Cats - Tuna & Chicken (1.4 oz), a total of 12 packets