Meet Minnie, the Adorable Pug!

Breed Chinese Pug
Location North America
Human Melissa Moreau
Story This is my Minnie girl. She is 9 years young. She is a Chinese Pug. My husband adopted her when she was 6 weeks old and gave her to me as a Christmas gift. She is awesome! We recently had a health scare with her...she had to have a kidney stone removed from her kidney and a tumor removed. The vet also thought she might be diabetic because her blood sugar was so high. I took her today to get her stitches out and have her sugar checked again and it was normal...such wonderful news! She gives our family such joy. She hates baths. She loves treats...she will bark at us when we hold her treat and she knows when she does that, she gets it! She hates having her toe nails cut. She loves to sit in your lap and fall asleep and snore. We wouldn’t know what to do without her!!!!
Location North America
Human Melissa Moreau
Story This is my Minnie girl. She is 9 years young. She is a Chinese Pug. My husband adopted her when she was 6 weeks old and gave her to me as a Christmas gift. She is awesome! We recently had a health scare with her...she had to have a kidney stone removed from her kidney and a tumor removed. The vet also thought she might be diabetic because her blood sugar was so high. I took her today to get her stitches out and have her sugar checked again and it was normal...such wonderful news! She gives our family such joy. She hates baths. She loves treats...she will bark at us when we hold her treat and she knows when she does that, she gets it! She hates having her toe nails cut. She loves to sit in your lap and fall asleep and snore. We wouldn’t know what to do without her!!!!