PSITTIMUNE APV Biomune Avian Polyomavirus Vaccine
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BIOMUNE Avian Polyomavirus Vaccine for Birds is recommended as an aid in the prevention of avian polyomavirus infection in psittacine birds. Product performance has been evaluated in selected but not all psittacine species. Dosage: Inject subcutaneously, 0.5mL in birds 200 grams and greater or 0.25mL in birds less than 200 grams. The first dose should be given at 35 days of age and repeated in 2-3 weeks. An annual booster is recommended. Directions: Store in the dark at 35-45 F (2-7 C). Use entire contents when first opened. See enclosure for complete directions. Notice: Contains gentamicin and amphotericin B as preservatives. For Veterinary Use Only. here.