Virbac Knockout E.S. Area Treatment Spray is the inverted aerosol house spray containing pyrethrins and permethrin to kill active flea and tick infestations. Also, contains pyriproxyfen (NYLAR Insect Growth Regulator) to prevent flea infestations from developing for up to 7 months. One 16 oz can covers 2,100 square feet. Knockout E.S. Area Treatment Spray provides rapid relief from active flea and tick infestations. Contains the highest levels of environmental adulticides in an aerosol for maximum effectiveness and quick killing of fleas and ticks. Prevents reinfestation of fleas by stopping immature fleas from developing into the adult biting stage. Reaches fleas hidden in carpets, rugs, drapes, upholstery, pet bedding, and floor cracks for greater effectiveness. No mess. Leaves no unpleasant odor or sticky mess and, when used as directed, does not stain furnishings.
Key Benefits:
- Rapidly kills active flea and tick infestations with active ingredients pyrethrins, permethrin, and pyriproxyfen (an Insect Growth Regulator).
- Prevents flea infestations from developing for up to 7 months by stopping immature fleas from developing into the adult biting stage.
- Reaches fleas hidden in carpets, rugs, drapes, upholstery, pet bedding, and floor cracks for greater effectiveness.
- Leaves no unpleasant odor or sticky mess, and does not stain furnishing when used as directed.
- Covers and treats 2,100 square feet.
Useful Information
Use one 16 oz bottle of Knockout E. S. Area Treatment for an area up to 2,100 sq. ft. Carpeted areas may be vacuumed before treatment and after treatment has dried. Treat infested areas or areas which could be infested; these include rugs, carpets, upholstered furniture, pet beds, and pet resting areas. Hold can at arm's length and direct spray toward the area to be treated. Use a sweeping motion to apply product and back away from treated area while holding the can 36 inches away from the surface being treated. Areas of 80-100 sq ft can be treated in approximately 10 seconds with Knockout E. S. Area Treatment. When treating upholstered furniture, treat under cushions and areas where flea development occurs. Cover aquariums and fish bowls and remove birds from area prior to treating. Treated areas should be vacated during application. Pets should be treated with a registered product for flea and tick control in conjunction with this product.
Customer Reviews
- Nothing
- Did not work. Waste of time and money