SentryHome Household Flea & Tick Spray (16 oz)
Item: SRG02424
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SentryHome Household Flea & Tick Spray kills fleas, ticks, flea eggs and flea larvae and protects your home for seven months by preventing their development into the adult biting stage.
This spray reaches fleas hidden in carpets, rugs, draperies, upholstery, pet bedding and floor cracks. One treatment gives continuous protection for 210 days. It leaves no objectionable odor or sticky mess. SentryHome Household Flea & Tick Spray also won't stain furnishings.Customer Reviews
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By DogHaus
You get what you buy!
August 29, 2018
So I purchased this product for a quick fix, it helped that it was on sale. The directions are more of a warning than a step by step list on how to use it. I've noticed my carpets aren't swarming with as many fleas as it was when a roommate brought home a stray... but I'm still unclear how much to spray per area on the carpet and this product doesn't have any tips or comments on use. Like will it still work if I don't spray every square inch? Should I move my couch and spray under there? Does it work with leather? Do I have to wash throw pillows after the vapors and smell wear off? I NEED DETAILS AND ANSWERS! Lol
All in all I got a great discount on top of a sale and paid $11 so I can't complain too much. On the other hand the full retail price is about $30 give or take so it should work better than I'm seeing, I also don't know if I'm even using enough..
All in all I got a great discount on top of a sale and paid $11 so I can't complain too much. On the other hand the full retail price is about $30 give or take so it should work better than I'm seeing, I also don't know if I'm even using enough..
- Affordable alternative to bombing
- Unclear directions for use